ah teaches graphic design (Portfolio-ing lecture)
Lecture outline
An introduction to creating a portfolio (for yourself).
In preparation for lecture...
Please close up any laptops, cellphones, Whoops, Wiis and other 'beep-boop' devices.
Creating an Ethos
This week's class
A(n) ethos is the understanding, characteristics and definition of oneself as a ____________.
Who are you visually?
Let's look at a couple of examples:
Showcasing Your Work
Help us understand why it is good
Ensure your project overviews cover:
- What is the project?
- What was the context?
- Who was involved, and what did you do?
- Show us your process
- Tell us why it matters (i.e. what did you learn or accomplish)
Process Analysis
A process analysis:
- Describes the project
- Analyzes the process
- Identifies problem(s) and solution(s)
- Reflects on the solution(s)
Step 1: Situation
- What are necessary details to explaining P2?
Step 2: Task
- What are necessary details to explaining P2?
- What was a challenge you encountered in P2?
Step 3: Action
- What are necessary details to explaining P2?
- What was a challenge you encountered in P2?
- What was an action you took to address that challenge P2?
Step 4: Result
- What are necessary details to explaining P2?
- What was a challenge you encountered in P2?
- What was an action you took to address that challenge P2?
- What was the result?
How would you explain them to our audiences?

Potential audiences of our portfolio
Get to the Point
As much as I might want to, I don't have time to read through everyone's portfolio in depth. Be concise, get to the point fast.A Facebook Recruiter
Defining a ___________
Please write, sketch, or note what you would say 'defines' you as a _________ (whatever your portfolio focuses on).
You have 2 minutes.
Defining a Designer Visually
Please sketch out what could visually represent your 'definitions' of you as a _________(whatever your portfolio focuses on).
You have 2 minutes.
Why Should I Care?
Industry and learning
Portfolios are all about reflective practice, and learning well always involves self-reflection.
An Extreme Do-not-do Example
Let's head over to The Worst Portfolio Ever.
An artifact is any documentation produced during a project.

If you don't yet, it is a good idea to start archiving your work.

Keep Everything
The key to having a portfolio is having materials to reflect on. Keep everything and anything process-wise.
Bonus office hours
I will be announcing bonus 'portfolio' office hours in the coming weeks.
What is your preference for day of the week?
Tomorrow's 10:30am labs (E201/E203) will be combined into one lab in SRYC 3130.