ah (UCC Concentration Motions and Discussion)

UCC Concentration Motions & Discussion

Nov 1, 2023

Concentration recap

(July 2023)

Concentration definition:

"A concentration is a group of related courses that approved IAT majors can pursue within their Bachelor's degree. The concentration has clearly defined learning outcomes that prepare students to address current and future market and societal needs. The concentration typically consists of 3-4 upper-division courses and should not exceed 16 credits of UD coursework. At least one course must be at 400-level. 200-level and 100-level courses may be listed as pre-requisites for the concentration but may not be included in the concentration itself."

Concentration proposals

(Sept 2023)

Concentrations in September submission:

Concentration retreat (Oct 2023)

Concentration proposals updated

(Oct 2023)

Concentrations where name has changed:

Concentrations where name has remained:

Concentration motions

(Nov 2023)

Voting will take place after this meeting online.

We request you vote by Tuesday, November 7th to enable an update in the school meeting. This is not a requirement.

Concentration motions

(Nov 2023)

A 'successful' proposal — drawn from the concentration definition — will:

Concentration motions

(Nov 2023)

A reminder that our vote is not the end of this process. We have to implement the approved concentrations and concentrations will be revisited regularly.

Any questions before the motions?

Motions discussion

For each motion we will have 12 minutes of discussion. You can use this time to pose questions or make comments on the proposal.

Please keep questions and comments about the proposals. If we move too much onto an unrelated topic I may pause the discussion to refocus us.

Given time constraints I may have to end discussions early to keep us on time. Apologies in advance.

To keep our time manageable:

  • Write/type your thoughts before voicing them
  • Join the speakers list (SL: Name) via the chat to share a new thought
  • Please keep your thought succinct
  • If you have spoken before, please defer to others first
  • There may not be answers for everything

Motion 1

Motion that the proposed Creative Media concentration be integrated into SIAT's calendar language and upper-division (300/400-level) curriculum.

[Options will be Yes/No/Abstain]

12 minutes for discussion.

Creative Media

In the Creative Media Concentration, students gain skills in emergent areas such as narrative, interactivity, video, sound design, motion capture, visual effects and immersive technologies to tackle meaningful and critically-engaged stories, preparing them for further work in graduate studies or careers in entertainment, film, media arts, and software media industries.

Students who choose this concentration complete the following courses:

  • IAT 313 Narrative and New Media
  • IAT 340 Sound Design
  • IAT 344 Moving Images
  • IAT 443 Interactive Video

Motion 2

Motion that the proposed Designing Interactions concentration be integrated into SIAT's calendar language and upper-division (300/400-level) curriculum.

[Options will be Yes/No/Abstain]

12 minutes for discussion.

Designing Interactions

Designing Interactions develops competencies in interaction design, speculative design and user experience design. Projects develop problem-solving capabilities rigorously tested by critique after framing and research for interventions for people and communities. The role of the designer is explored in a range of contexts. Projects range from screen-based to tangible artifacts, products and services.

Students who choose this concentration complete the following courses:

  • IAT 333 Interaction Design Methods
  • IAT 431 Speculative Design
  • IAT 438 User Experience Design

Motion 3

Motion that the proposed Extended Reality & Game Design concentration be integrated into SIAT's calendar language and upper-division (300/400-level) curriculum.

[Options will be Yes/No/Abstain]

12 minutes for discussion.

Extended Reality & Game Design

The XR & Game Design concentration provides a blend of technical, theoretical, and practical skills in diverse areas of extended reality and game design. Students learn to create compelling gaming and immersive experiences, apply user-centered design, manage projects, work collaboratively, communicate effectively, and engage in critical thinking and ethical practices.

Students who choose this concentration complete the following courses:

  • IAT 312 Foundations of Game Design
  • IAT 343 Animation
  • IAT 410 Advanced Game Design
  • IAT 445 Immersive Environments

Motion 4

Motion that the proposed Healthcare Innovation & Design concentration be integrated into SIAT's calendar language and upper-division (300/400-level) curriculum.

[Options will be Yes/No/Abstain]

12 minutes for discussion.

Healthcare Innovation & Design

The Healthcare Innovation and Design concentration addresses the design and innovation of our technological environment so that it can be used by all people, regardless of their age, size, ability, disability, or health status. Courses in this concentration focus on the design innovations needed in the physical and information domains, enabling students to build technologies for health and wellness. This concentration focuses on developing skills to propose and undertake design and development at the intersection of HCI, design and healthcare. It identifies critical needs in health and wellness, healthcare processes and regulations, and ethics protocols, since all of the health professions require that new technologies undergo rigorous clinical experimentation and validation. Students will learn how health technologies influence medicine, as well as methodologies to work in the healthcare technology field, conduct health research and collaborate with clinicians. For example, students could design wearable sensors for patients to track their blood sugar, develop an information system to show the blood sugar over time, and conduct an experiment to show how effective the system is at controlling diabetes. Students will approach the work in the concentration from a critical making perspective, which unites critical thinking and hands-on experiments to encourage learning by doing. Drawing from wide-ranging approaches to project-based learning, critical making explores the relationships among technologies, design, health, and social/cultural issues by embodying ideas.

Students who choose this concentration complete the following courses:

  • IAT 336 Materials in Design
  • IAT 351 Advanced Human-Computer Interaction
  • IAT 355 Introduction to Visual Analytics
  • IAT 437 Representation and Fabrication
  • IAT 4XX Health Technologies
  • IAT 4XY Neurotechnology Fusion of Brain Science & Technology

(Course numbers will be updated with final set upon submission to UCC)

Motion 5

Motion that the proposed Human-Centered AI & Data Science concentration be integrated into SIAT's calendar language and upper-division (300/400-level) curriculum.

[Options will be Yes/No/Abstain]

12 minutes for discussion.

Human-Centered AI & Data Science

This concentration is aimed to teach students the skills to extract insights from data, design and build AI systems for interactive technologies, data-driven decision-making, and computer assisted creativity. It emphasizes applying human-centered computing principles and ethical considerations to AI and data science to design, evaluate and deploy state-of-the-art interactive systems.

Students who choose this concentration complete the following courses:

  • IAT 355 Introduction to Visual Analytics
  • IAT 3XX Exploring Artificial Intelligence: Its Use, Concepts, and Impact
  • IAT 4XX Generative Art and Computational Creativity
  • IAT 4XY Data Science for Human-Centered Systems

(Course numbers will be updated with final set upon submission to UCC)

Motion 6

Motion that the proposed Web & Mobile Development concentration be integrated into SIAT's calendar language and upper-division (300/400-level) curriculum.

[Options will be Yes/No/Abstain]

12 minutes for discussion.

Web & Mobile Development

The concentration in Web and Mobile Development provides students with the theories, tools and methods for developing digital applications for the web and mobile. There is a heavy focus on modern development practices, accessibility considerations and creating applications tailored to meet the unique needs of the target audience while considering the context of use.

Students who choose this concentration complete the following courses:

  • IAT 339 Web Design & Development
  • IAT 359 Mobile Computing
  • IAT 4XX Internet Computing Technologies

(Course numbers will be updated with final set upon submission to UCC)

Voting announcement

Please watch for an email requesting you to vote — likely tomorrow. You will have one week from when the email is sent to complete the vote.
