Reading reflection #4 (due November 7)
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This is old content
Andrew is not currently teaching IAT-339. This material is left online for reference only.
While reading or after reading "A Designer's Code of Ethics" (Monteiro, 2017) please highlight sentences in the text that you agree or disagree with.
Once done highlighting, please:
- Cite one of your highlights from the reading.
- State your opinion of the cited text — i.e. in agreement, do not agree, unsure of how I feel, etc. — and explain why you hold this opinion.
- Explain why you believe this highlight will influence or not influence your work as a web designer or developer.
Your responses can be submitted anytime before the end of lecture on November 7 to Andrew in class.
This reading reflection is worth 5% (5 points) of your final grade.
- 0.5 points for submitting your reading with highlights as requested.
- 0.5 point for clearly citing which highlighted portion of the text you are referring to using a standard citation format and indicating a page or paragraph number.
- 2 points for a clear and concise explanation of why you hold a particular opinion in relation to the cited text.
- 2 points for a clear and concise explanation of why you bleieve this highlight will influence or not influence your work as a designer or developer.
How reflections work
Just a reminder about how reflections work:
- You only need to complete two reflections over the term.
- There are four available.
- You may complete up to three reflections and the lowest grade will be dropped.