ahandrewh teaches IAT-339web design & development

When and where to find your instructors for office hours

This is old content

Andrew is not currently teaching IAT-339. This material is left online for reference only.

Office Hours

To help provide feedback and support on projects we will be available on a weekly basis at the times listed below. Any changes to these times will be announced in lecture.

Andrew Hawryshkewich (your lecturer)

Please email Andrew or message him on the course chat to let him know you will be dropping in.

Office hours:

Outside of the time(s) listed above email Andrew to make an appointment.

Alfredo Sherman (TA for D101/D102)

Please email Alfredo or message Alfredo on the course chat to say you will be dropping in.

Office hours: Fridays from 10:00 - 11:00am online via Zoom (linked through Canvas).

Outside of the time listed above email Alfredo to make an appointment.