ah teaches web design & development (The Coding Quiz lecture)

The Coding Quiz

Lecture outline

This entire lecture will be our time for completing the coding quiz. Lecture slides will be made available on the day of the lecture (November 14).

Preparing the quiz

Please make sure to sign-in for the quiz at the front.

In preparation for the quiz:

Quiz rules reminder

If you finish, please submit your quiz and sign-out at the front. We will continue with class at 6:15pm.

Quiz timer

60 minutes

I owe you grades

Your grades will be coming out over the weekend. If you have questions or concerns please remember to email Andrew.

P3: Portfolio

Today's plan

Code tutorial and then critiques for time remaining.

Critique overload

I recognize there will not be enough time for all of you to get great critiques this evening. If you are willing/interested in 'offloading' your critique to one of the following times, please come see me at the front:
