ah teaches web design & development (Content is Key lecture)

Content is Key

Lecture outline

Considerations of structuring and writing quality content. Lecture slides will be made available on the day of the lecture (Nov 3).

Teamwork reflection

While we wait for folks to arrive please:

  1. Grab a teamwork reflection form from the front of the class.
  2. Grab a seat separate from your teammate.
  3. Fill in the teamwork reflection and submit it back at the front.
A screenshot of the Reddit Vancouver homepage

Content is Key

Supporting Users

Research from Google shows that 90 percent of people start a task using one device, then pick it up later on another device...
Windows on the Web (Karen McGrane)

Useful content

Our content should:


Carousel questions

Designing effective carousels

I would recommend reviewing the Nielsen Norman group's carousel usability before integrating carousels.

Useful content

Our content should:


How clear/specific are each of these links?


A kitten looking over the edge of a table

Sponsor a kitten


A kitten looking over the edge of a table

Sponsor a kitten


A kitten looking over the edge of a table

Sponsor a kitten


A kitten looking over the edge of a table

Sponsor a kitten

Useful content

Our content should:

A collection of different share icons

From Placeit Blog

Maintaining a Tone

Let's take a look at MailChimp's Voice and Tone guide.

P1 grades

Grades will likely be released tomorrow for P1. Just a reminder that any questions or concerns with grades should be directed to Andrew.

Word cloud illustrating major concerns with P1 coding such as multiple <h1> elements, hierarchy of heading elements and non-semantic use of <br> elements
Tools for development
P2: Company

Critique time

Today's second half is for us to help you solve problems or provide feedback. Please let me know if you have something to share or review.
