ahandrewh teaches IAT-339web design & development

Getting git (September 26 - October 3)

Coming up

You will be spending the week finishing up and submitting your P1: Process style guide. The class this week is for project feedback, learning to use git, and forming teams for P2.

A note about git

Git is not the most understandable system for tracking your code, but it tends to be the best fit for what students do in the course. If you do not usually attend class, you really need to attend next class as git will be integral to projects in the rest of the course.

As per usual, if you have questions or concerns with git (or coding) please do not hesitate to email Andrew or message over the course chat and I will respond as quickly as possible.

Preparing for git

In preparation for the next lecture, please:

Questions or concerns?

Of course should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email Andrew or message over the course chat and we will respond as quickly as possible.