ah teaches interface design (Talking to Humans lecture)

Talking to Humans

Lecture outline

An introduction to approaches for interviewing users and the resulting consideration of research ethics. Lecture slides will be made available on the day of the lecture (June 5).

Critique prep

Please come and sign-up for a timeslot for critique. I will briefly cover alternative activities you can partake in during critique time at 9:45, after which we will reconvene for lecture at 11:30.

Please make sure to have materials ready for critique when your timeslot comes up.

Activities during critiques

Exploring final project ideas:

  1. Use a 'flag' to find others who want to explore.
  2. Use one of the exercise sheets to explore domains and problems as a group.

Complete a reading reflection:

  1. Collect the reflection worksheet from the black folder
  2. Submit your completed reflection to the black folder
P2: Heuristics
Sketching exercise
A sketch illustrating a problem in an interface

Is this a problem? and how would you "define" it?

A sketch illustrating a problem in an interface

Is this a problem? and how would you "define" it?

A sketch illustrating a problem in an interface

Is this a problem? and how would you "define" it?

Sketching exercise
A plastic figure of a girl standing in front of a chalkboard dressed in a communist school uniform

Talking to Humans

Ideas week

In-class on June 19 we will be holding 'ideas week' — an open-forum for final project options. Over the next couple weeks we will explore and add options to your ideas.

Today's activity

The activity today had you exploring domains and problems. Please use (or borrow) one of those ideas for today's explorations.

BS persona

Please head to ah.link/bsp, and:

  1. Read pages 40, 41 & 42.
  2. Make a 'BS' persona based on one domain and problem.
  3. Write a brief scenario to illustrate the problem for the persona.

You have 18 minutes

Exploratory research

We are looking to understand the context. For this course exploratory research is helpful in discovering context of use and user experience. Both of these help us define problems that may require solving or evaluative research.

What is our question?

Exploratory research questions should explore relationships, interactions, effects. For example:

Evaluating sources

Consider a couple of things when evaluating our research sources:

Primary & secondary sources

Good research tends to involve both primary and secondary sources.

Primary sources help illustrate individual experiences or perceptions. These may include:

  • Photographs or video footage
  • Interviews or transcripts
  • Statistical data or empirical studies
  • Newspaper articles
  • Social media posts

Secondary sources help describe, summarize, or evaluate knowledge. These may include:

  • Books or magazines
  • Articles or essays
  • Documentaries or podcasts

Initial exploration

Please do some internet sleuthing to explore your scenario:

  • Is it actually a problem?
  • Why is it a problem?

You have 10 minutes

Don't forget:

  • Who: Is this person an expert? What demonstrates they are?
  • What: Is this relevant? Does it seem credible in relation to other sources?
  • When: How recent is this material?

Getting experience

Primary sources

This week we want to fill in more of our gaps in experience to ensure we understand the humans in the context of this problem.

Why we interview

We can use interviews to understand individuals, their experiences and behaviours in context. Be careful to keep in mind:

Check yourself

(Before you wreck yourself)

As an interviewer you want to avoid bringing your own biases and opinions, as this can influence how the interviewee responds.

Before starting any research, consider what assumptions do you have about the brief, your sources and related topics?

A structured approach

When interviewing, there are a couple of approaches we can take:

A semi-structured approach

For gathering someone's experience we recommend a semi-structured approach to interviewing. This means you will plan materials but allow for flexibility in having the interviewee guide the questions.

Building a script

As part of our semi-structured approach, you will need a script. Included in this script should be:

Asking for permission

It is important that your interviewee understand the why and what you are doing. This ensures that they can safely agree to participate in what you are doing.

Permission requirements

Before you ask interview questions, you must make sure they understand:

Ethical data options

Given that cloud services often cannot guarantee the physical location of your data will stay in Canada, I would recommend working with SFU-based tools such as Canvas Groups or SFU Vault to store research data.

Asking questions

When exploring someone's experience, we likely want to ask open-ended questions as much as possible. For example:

Open-ended: "Please describe how you approach planning your daily schedule."

Close-ended: "What three things are most important to you when planning your dailiy schedule?"

Building questions

An approach to building questions is to consider what do you want to find out about. From there we can check our biases and try to build out a question that could give us the information we are looking for.

Four quadrants indicating known knowns, known unknowns, unknown knowns, and unknown unknowns

Revenge of the confusing

Known knowns questions

Please make a list of things you:

You have 5 minutes

Building questions

Part 2

Another approach we can take to building questions is taking our assumptions and turning them into questions.

Assumption questions

Please make a list of things you:

You have 5 minutes

Building questions

Part 3

Review your questions:

Advanced questions

Sometimes words are not enough to effectively get the response you want.

Keep in mind that prototypes, props, materials, and the ability to generate a response with more than words can be useful.

Advanced example

Team roles

There will be more than one of you on a team. As a result, it is important that everyone has a clear role during the interview:

Taking notes

Just like with the interview questions, it is important that notes you take check your biases. You should aim to capture unbiased explanations of the interviewee as much as possible.


Internal distortion

Internal distortion happens in interviews when there are problems with:

These are things that you can control.

External distortion

External distortion happens in interviews when there are problems with:

These are things that you do not control as strongly.

Interview performance

Let's practice some 'live' setup of the space

Research results

How to work with and make sense of research results we will talk about in the coming weeks.
