ahandrewh teaches IAT-235information design

Final projects (March 25 - April 8)

Final projects

We are heading into the final weeks for P4.

Code support

Just a reminder that there are pre-built explanations of many coding questions available on HTML and CSS linked below. If you have more questions please do not hesitate to reach out and I will put together more examples.

Loading fonts

There were some of you hoping for further instructions on loading up the Embark branding fonts from Google. I have put together a short video demonstrating how available below.

Adjust video speed:

Super-bonus office hours

Super-bonus office hours are available at the following times, by appointment only. A reminder that there are no office hours on Monday, April 1 as it is a holiday.

Please email Andrew or message over the course chat to book a time.

Final lecture

Embark will be visiting during our final lecture time on April 8. We will be running a large peer critique in this session much like we did for the end of P3. Please come on time with:

Questions or concerns?

Of course should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email Andrew, email Alfredo, email Nafira, or message over the course chat and we will respond as quickly as possible.