ahandrewh teaches IAT-235information design

Embark Clarifications (October 22 - October 29)

This is old content

Andrew is not currently teaching IAT-235. This material is left online for reference only.

Embark Clarifications

Some of you requested some further information from Embark and they have replied! Please feel free to use the following as content in your projects or to direct your projects further:

Funding type definitions

Categories/initiative priorities

Past 'use' of spreadsheet

Most of the time in the past students who are using the spreadsheet are typically sorting the list by:

  1. The amount of funds provided first;
  2. Then the project categories;
  3. Then by deadlines and requirements.

Less important or less considered columns would be the location and awarding timeline as they aren't applicable across all funding opporunities.

Code tutorial recording

The HTML code tutorial recording is now available on Canvas as well as directly on this site for review. Please let us know if you have any trouble accessing it.

Office hours cancellation

Wednesday, October 30th's office hours are cancelled due to a conflicting meeting. Please email Andrew if you need an alternative option for office hours.

Questions or concerns?

Of course should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email Andrew, email Mehdi, email Mehrun-Nisa or message over the course chat and we will respond as quickly as possible.