ah teaches graphic design (SD-36) (Let's Get Ethical lecture)

Let's Get Ethical

Lecture outline

Considering ethics in design. Lecture slides will be made available on the day of the lecture (Nov 20).

Considering Interaction

Today's critique

Today's critique is about first impressions. You will be given a short period of time in which to form some ideas about a design.

A sketch of
A sketch of
A sketch of
The Web is 95% Typography

Connections and Humans

We're lazy, er, or efficient

"...users have time to read [on average] 20% of words on a page."
Nielson-Norman Group

Reasonable chunks

Giving us consistent and reasonable chunks of information makes it easier for us to use.

User Expectations

What they have experienced before

"Users spend most of their time on other websites."
Jakob's Law of the Web User Experience

Making it Usable

Thinking about context

This is a link. But how do you know that?

Making it Interactive

Interaction points should clearly afford they are interactive.


The Fluidity Problem

The web is not a fixed medium, as much as you may wish otherwise. As designers, we must embrace this.

P3: Presenting