ah teaches graphic design (SD-36) (Considering Interaction lecture)
Considering Interaction
Lecture outline
Starting to think about interaction as it relates to graphic design.
In preparation for lecture...
Please close up any laptops, cellphones, Switches, Commodore 64's and other 'beep-boop' devices.
P2 Grades
Grades will be out by end-of-week. Please follow-up if you have any questions or concerns with your grades.
Creating an Ethos
This week's class
A(n) ethos is the understanding, characteristics and definition of oneself as a ____________.
Who are you visually?
Let's look at a couple of examples:
Showcasing Your Work
Help us understand why it is good
Ensure your project overviews cover:
- What is the project?
- What was the context?
- Who was involved, and what did you do?
- Show us your process
- Tell us why it matters (i.e. what did you learn or accomplish)
Speaking like your professional self
The process analysis allows us to guide potential employers through our process. It should:
- Describe the project
- Analyze and explain the project
- Identify problem(s) and resolution(s)
- Evaluate the effectiveness
Process Analysis
A process analysis:
- Describes the project
- Analyzes the process
- Identifies problem(s) and solution(s)
- Reflects on the solution(s)
Step 1: Situation
- What are necessary details to explaining P2?
Step 2: Task
- What are necessary details to explaining P2?
- What was a challenge you encountered in P2?
Step 3: Action
- What are necessary details to explaining P2?
- What was a challenge you encountered in P2?
- What was an action you took to address that challenge P2?
Step 4: Result
- What are necessary details to explaining P2?
- What was a challenge you encountered in P2?
- What was an action you took to address that challenge P2?
- What was the result?
Let's Analyze
- What are necessary details to explaining P2?
- What was a challenge you encountered in P2?
- What was an action you took to address that challenge P2?
- What was the result?
How would you explain them to our audiences?
Get to the Point
As much as I might want to, I don't have time to read through everyone's portfolio in depth. Be concise, get to the point fast.A Facebook Recruiter
Defining a ___________
Please write, sketch, or note what you would say 'defines' you as a _________ (whatever your portfolio focuses on).
You have 2 minutes.
Defining a Designer Visually
Please sketch out what could visually represent your 'definitions' of you as a _________(whatever your portfolio focuses on).
You have 2 minutes.
Why Should I Care?
Industry and learning
Portfolios are all about reflective practice, and learning well always involves self-reflection.
An Extreme Do-not-do Example
Let's head over to The Worst Portfolio Ever.
An artifact is any documentation produced during a project.
If you don't yet, it is a good idea to start archiving your work.
Keep Everything
The key to having a portfolio is having materials to reflect on. Keep everything and anything process-wise.
Figma interaction
Please head to the lab computers for some further covering of Figma and interaction.
In preparation for your presentations...
Please email a link to your Figma slides to andrew_h@sfu.ca and I will open them up on the lab computer.