ah teaches graphic design (Now: In Colour lecture)
Now: In Colour
Lecture outline
Starting to work with the complexities of colour in design. Lecture slides will be made available on the day of the lecture (November 4/5).
In preparation for lecture...
Please close up any laptops, cellphones, Palm Pilots, Walkmans and other 'beep-boop' devices.
Office hours
Bonus office hours:
- Thursday, November 21/28 from 2-3:30pm (in-person or remote).
- Friday, November 22/29 from 1-2:30pm (remote).
- Monday, November 25 & December 2 from 1-2:30pm (in-person or remote).
Changes to existing office hours:
- Tuesday, November 19th's in-person office hours will move to 7:30-8:30pm and be remote.
- All future Wednesday (10-11am) in-person office hours are cancelled.
Please make sure to email or DM if looking to attend office hours.
Grade returns
P2 and P3 grades will be returned to you later this week, and reading reflection #3 will be returned to you tomorrow.
If you have any questions or concerns please follow up with Andrew directly.
Final weeks of class
November 25/26
- In lecture: Interaction basics, peer critique and critique quiz
- In lab: P4 critiques, final reading reflection
December 2/3
- In lecture: Moving beyond IAT-102, questions for Andrew
- In lab: Final P4 critiques
Critique Quiz
In next week's class we will be doing the critique quiz. It is important that you prepare for this quiz by reviewing the language and skills we have discussed in the course so far.
Any questions?
Today's critique
Today's critique is about first impressions. You will be given a short period of time in which to form some ideas about a design.

The Colourful World
How We See Colour
Humans are trichromats. This means we have three distinct cones which sense different wavelengths and intensities of light.

The gamut describes the colours of the visible spectrum that are available.

Additive vs. Subtractive
Different ways of rendering colour
Additive colour (RGB)

Subtractive colour (CMYK)

Talking About Colour
- Hue: The name of the colour
- Saturation: How intense is the colour
- Lightness: The lightness or darkness.

Nothing Talks Like a Swatch
Colour Harmonies
Types of harmonies
- Monochromatic: One colour's tint, tone and shade
- Analogous: Colours next to one another
- Complementary: Colours opposite one another
- Triadic: Colours evenly spaced 3-ways

Colour Relationships
Colour Relationships
How does the relationship change our views of the colours?
Colour Relationships
How does the relationship change our views of the colours?
Colour Contrasts
Contrast of hue.
Contrast of light and dark.
Contrast of saturation.
Colour Contrasts
Contrast of hue.
Contrast of lightness.
Contrast of saturation.
Why Harmonize?
Colour harmonies allow you to easily build visual relationships. Remember that not all colours are meant to be dominant in a harmony; you should focus on a key colour, and let the others highlight or support.

Care of Hieu Nguyen Design
Meaning of Colour
Colour can help to provide both cultural and informational meaning to a viewer.

Informational Colour
We frequently use colour to convey information, which can run into problems on occassion.
While resolving some of the colour-dependency issues of a light standard, why might the 'uni-signal' have other concerns?
Colour Blindness
Common colour vision



Common vision



Common vision



Applying Meaning
We also use colour to imply or add meaning. Be careful to pay attention to what colours mean.

Why meaning matters
How is meaning being applied to suggest 'cultural' meaning?

Colour Interactions
Beware when colour interactions go bad.
Overthinking Meaning
By making this slide blue, I have not magically calmed you all down and made you think of freedom.
What kind of meaning do these gradients provide us with?

Drop Shadows
They can make things visually confusing when inconsistently applied.
Subtle treatments
Often subtle treatments of gradients and drop-shadows can be used effectively to connote depth without confusing the viewer.